Knowing the Type of Transformer Your Project Needs

Submitted by Kristian on Mon, 08/10/2020 - 12:45

Knowing the Type of Transformer Your Project Needs

type of transformerUsing the correct transformer for the needs of your business can be crucial. Wherever your transformer is, it needs to be able to convert power from the source into the correct voltage and current to make sure that you are accessing the ideal power for your needs. Whether you are accessing this from a wellhead site, shipyard or some other job site, you need to have a transformer that is designed for your application. There are two main types of transformers that you can find within an electrical system and knowing the differences is crucial!

Power Transformers

Power transformers are the main type of transformer. These are the types of transformers that you will see driving around the city in contained boxes. Power transformers are used to transfer electrical energy between electronic circuits and generators to the distribution unit for power. Power transformers can be designed for transmission purposes at voltages which are greater than 33 kV with a 100% efficiency. These types of transformers experience low load fluctuations and they are considered much larger in size than many other types of distribution transformers. Power transformers are required for any distribution system and this means that they are a staple for power plants and power networks for job sites.

Distribution Transformers

Distribution transformers are also important and they come with a series of ventilated and enclosed copper or aluminum windings with ratings up to 12MVA (12,000kva). These days, distribution transformers are typically used for appliance supply, lighting, general electrical distribution systems are motorized machinery. Distribution transformers can be quite common on smaller job sites where there is a series of load fluctuations. Distribution transformers are often used in areas where the secondary voltage is delivered to the end consumer and they are widely considered to be less complex electrical systems. It’s fairly common to find this type of transformer on a jobsite for temporary power or from converting power from on-site generators to secondary voltage to power lighting and tools. 

By understanding the right type of transformer that you should be installing on your job site, you ensure that you have access to the ideal energy solution for the project! Contact us today for more information.